Project information

Here are some key points for your Accident Detection and Alert Generator Device (R.U.N) - Rescue Us Now project:

Objective: Develop a system to detect vehicle accidents and send immediate alerts to emergency services and contacts.

Components: GPS module, GSM module, accelerometer, microcontroller (e.g., Arduino), and a power supply.

1. Accident Detection: Use the accelerometer to detect sudden changes in vehicle movement.
2. Location Tracking: Utilize the GPS module to pinpoint the accident location.
3. Alert System: Send alert messages with the accident location and vehicle speed via the GSM module.
4. Communication: Send alerts to predefined emergency contacts and services.
5. Technology Stack: Arduino, GPS, GSM, and accelerometer.

Benefits: Quick response time, accurate location tracking, and potentially life-saving alerts.

Led a team to create an emergency response solution, Rescue Us Now (R.U.N), with real-time monitoring for 30% faster response, facilitated critical information access, and ensured efficient coordination, incorporating machine learning and AI for vital sign analysis and predictive analytics.